Tuesday, 16 December 2008

hijab phenomenon

in hijab

Was this hijab is conformity with the rules of islamic dress?
how do you think?


  1. itu bukanlah orang yang tau azab allah,dan mengerti aturan agamanya. Sungguh kasihan orang seperti itu,karna ia hanya ikut"an dengan mereka yang tau aturan namun tak mengamalkannya untuk umum dan untuk dirinya

  2. thanks you....
    i hope they get a hidayah from Allah about how to wear hijab by the rules of Islam

  3. Hypocrisy is the sin of saying you love God but show your thong while wearing what appears to be a turban because its what the devils and Satan want you to do13 July 2020 at 19:54

    Its true.
